Building a video editor on the web. Part 0.1 - Screencast

You should be able to create and edit videos using just the web in the browser. It should be possible to provide a user-interface akin to Screenflow that lets you create an output video that combines multiple videos, images, and audio into one video that can be uploaded to services like YouTube.

Following on from the my previous post that briefly describes the requirements of the video editor, in this post I just wanted to quickly show in a screencast how I built the web cam recorder, and also how how to build a screencast recorder :)

It’s all pretty neat and it uses the new navigator.getDisplayMedia API which lets they user grant access to their screen contents. The code below is everything that I used to create this video.

The video is very very raw, there are a lot of mistakes because at the moment I can’t edit the video :) my goal is that at the end of this project I can create a good video end-to-end.

Code for this video Demo

window.onload = () => {
  if('getDisplayMedia' in navigator) = 'none';

  let blobs;
  let blob;
  let rec;
  let stream;
  let voiceStream;
  let desktopStream;

  captureBtn.onclick = async () => { = 'none';
    desktopStream = await navigator.getDisplayMedia({video:true});
    voiceStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: false, audio: true});
    let tracks = [...desktopStream.getTracks(), ...voiceStream.getAudioTracks()]
    console.log('Tracks to add to stream', tracks);
    stream = new MediaStream(tracks);
    videoElement.srcObject = stream;
    blobs = [];
    rec = new MediaRecorder(stream, {mimeType: 'video/webm; codecs=vp9,opus'});
    rec.ondataavailable = (e) => blobs.push(;
    rec.onstop = async () => {
      blob = new Blob(blobs, {type: 'video/webm'});
      let url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
      download.href = url; = 'test.webm'; = 'block';
    startBtn.disabled = false;
    captureBtn.disabled = true;

  startBtn.onclick = () => {
    startBtn.disabled = true;
    stopBtn.disabled = false;

  stopBtn.onclick = () => {
    captureBtn.disabled = false;
    startBtn.disabled = true;
    stopBtn.disabled = true;

    videoElement.srcObject = null
    stream = null;

Paul Kinlan

Trying to make the web and developers better.

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