Chrome Bug 897727 - MediaRecorder using Canvas.captureStream() fails for large canvas elements on Android

El fin de semana que estuve jugando con un codificador de video de efecto Boomerang, puedes hacerlo funcionar casi en tiempo real (lo explicaré más adelante). Lo tengo funcionando en Chrome on Desktop, pero nunca funcionaría correctamente en Chrome en Android. Ver el código aquí.

Parece que cuando usas captureStream () en un <canvas>que tiene una resolución relativamente grande (1280x720 en mi caso), la API de MediaRecorder no podrá codificar los videos y no se producirá un error y no se puede detectar que no puede codificar el video con anticipación.

(1) Capture a large res video (from getUM 1280x720) to a buffer for later processing. (2) Create a MediaRecorder with a stream from a canvas element (via captureStream) sized to 1280x720 (3) For each frame captured putImageData on the canvas (4) For each frame call canvasTrack.requestFrame() at 60fps

context.putImageData(frame, 0, 0); canvasStreamTrack.requestFrame();

Demo: Code:!/boomerang-video-chrome-on-android-bug?path=script.js:21:42

What is the expected result?

For the exact demo, I buffer the frames and then reverse them so you would see the video play forwards and backwards (it works on desktop). In generall I would expect all frames sent to the canvas to be processed by the MediaRecorder API - yet they are not.

What happens instead?

It only captures the stream from the canvas for a partial part of the video and then stops. It’s not predicatable where it will stop.

I suspect there is a limit with the MediaRecorder API and what resolution it can encode depending on the device, and there is no way to know about these limits ahead of time.

As far as I can tell this has never worked on Android. If you use which has a 640x480 video frame it records just fine. The demo works at higher-resolution just fine on desktop.

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Paul Kinlan

Trying to make the web and developers better.

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